Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A New Recipe/Science Experiment!

Actually...I knew this recipe would work because I saw Paula Dean do it. I don't know her exact recipe. But I just wanted to use the concept anyway.

See this?

Wanna know what it is?

2 beaten eggs, 2tbsp diced onion, cut up ham, salt and pepper (or whatever you want)...in a ziploc bag.

Place in medium-large saucepan of boiling water.

Wait 7 Minutes

Take the bag out of the water

Place on a plate
Top with cheese
and enjoy a delicious, non greasy omelette!

I know it looks weird in the bag, but it looks nicer on the plate...and it was REALLY good!


Sarah said...

I have seen her do that!! And you can also do that with cake mix!! :)

Cool idea... I will have to try that with my kiddos.. they would love it. :)

Lauren Faiai said...

Yes! The kids will love it! Cameron cracked an egg on his own while I turned around to get salt and pepper. When I heard the CRACK, I turned around quickly to help him. Funny boy!

Sarah said...

Gotta watch those 2 year olds!! :)